Normal Reactions to Disaster Stress
Disaster stress is a normal response to a tragic experience. It may last days, weeks, months or years. It may not even show up until weeks or months after the disaster.
Difficulty with concentrating or making decisions
Trouble remembering things
Avoidance of reminders of the traumatic event(s)
Recurring or disturbing thoughts, images, or nightmares
Withdrawing from people or activities that are usually enjoyable
Feeling tired or having difficulty sleeping
Constantly feeling on alert for more danger
Jumpy reactions to noises, smells and other reminders
Difficulty breathing or rapid heart beat
Frequent headaches, stomach problems, or other stuck body symptoms
Feeling numb or detached somehow from others
Irritability, anger outbursts, or a tendency to blame others
Mood changes, frequent crying
New or increased fears
Guilt about surviving, not having been able to prevent losses, etc.
Feelings of helplessness or being overwhelmed
Constant anxiety
Disappointment with outside help
Any number of other emotions
A much deeper faith and sense of meaning in life
A feeling of being abandoned by God or loss of purpose